Extremely Dangerous Aussies

Australia is a land for the TOUGH, so that�s probably why it started of as a penal colony aka a big island prison for convicts. Lethal killers abound, or crawl or slither or float or dive�take your pick, mate. Scorpions hide beneath rocks across the continent, great white pointer sharks devour the occasional human in South Australia, salt-water crocodiles and box jellyfish stalk fishermen in the Northern Territory, the poisonous blue-ringed octopus waits on the reefs, and the venomous funnel-web spider lurks in the gardens of suburban Sydney. And as if that weren�t enough, Australia possesses more species of venomous snakes than any country on earth. (by the way, ALL snakes in the sate of Tasmania is poisonous). The �champion� of all poisonous snake in Australia, and also the world, is the Taipan snake which is considered 50 times more venomous than the cobra.

[see the more harmless, much more lovable Australian wildlife]

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Funnel-web spider
Funnel-web spider

Taipan snake
Taipan snake

Great White Pointer shark
Great White Pointer shark

Saltwater crocodiles
Saltwater crocodiles

Others in the dangerous short-list
Others in the dangerous short-list


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