Others in the dangerous short-list

The following Aussies are so dangerous, that our cameraman did not make it back with the pictures. One of them below, we believe got the poor bloke. Anyway, take care if you ever meet the following Aussies ! (ps - the picture overleft is a Goanna - Australia's giant monitor lizard)

Box jellyfish Always take heed of the warnings you see about the Box jellyfish (also sometimes called the �Sea-Wasp�). They breed in river estuaries and infest the coastal waters of the Northern Territory and Queensland and pose a very, very grave �health hazard� if you ever �bump� into them while swimming. Practically invinsible (like the �Invisible Man�), they deliver a sting that can be fatal if help and treatment is not close at hand. They swarm in great numbers along the northern coastal beaches for six months of the year, making it very dangerous to swim in the sea between October and May.

Blue-ringed octopus The blue-ringed octopus is a small coastal variety, and is extremely venomous. However, little is known about its toxin. It is also not known either why it can sometimes be handled without risk, and why it rarely claims a victim.

Tree Goanna If you see a Tree-goanna � a giant speckled lizard with enormous claws, don�t startle it ! It may confuse you with a tree, climb up your leg and DISEMBOWEL you. Be afraid, be VERY AFRAID !

Cassowary bird A kick from a frightened cassowary � a 2 metre (6 ft) high flightless bird with a bony crown � can tear open your rib cage ! Be careful, mate.


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