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HOME: Valued Skin Care

HOME: Valued Skin Care


We are a group of professionals in the corporate world who are also in the skin care business. Lexis Spa is one of our brick & mortar salons. Hence, we understand the necessity of a good skincare regime not only because we need to look good and feel confident. It is also important to protect our skin, which is our largest organ - to reduce its exposure to external damaging factors such as pollutions, air conditioning, UVA-light and UV rays. All these aggressions result in the formation of fine lines, larger wrinkles, loose, sagging skin and hyper pigmentation.

There are thousands of skin care products in the market and how does one know what is right for her/him - not only in terms of quality of the products but affordability? We believe we have found and sourced some really great products providing the Best Value for Money in skin care products and services, and entered this venture to prove it!

ABOUT E-STALLS.COM, our affiliate UpFromAustralia.com & our common online Creditcard Payment Gateway

E-Stalls.com was an e-commerce venture started in 2000 to retail gifts and merchandises pertinent to Malaysia (www.MalaysiaStall.com) & Australia (www.UpFromAustralia.com)

E-Stall�s online creditcard payment gateway (in US$, and operated by Paymentech in USA) are used by both ValuedSkinCare.com and UpFromAustralia.com. Your creditcard bills will hence show up as being billed from E-Stalls.

Lexis Spa
Lexis Spa

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How To Order, Make Payment & Shipping Policy

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