Welcome to Perth, mate � the �Dallas� of Australia! Perth was a city that boomed due to the Aussie Gold Rush in the 1850s. As in the gold-rush days, almost all visits to the �wild west� (a.k.a. Western Australia) still start in Perth, as it is the capital too. Its population now stands at 1.3 million. Set on the west coast like a high tech counterweight to the older and more heavily populated eastern cities (a.k.a. Sydney and Melbourne), Perth has become a symbol of Australian confidence, or sometimes overconfidence. In the 1980s, it was roaring as the base of wallet-full of multi-millionaires who worked closely with the state government creating the state�s nickname of �WA Inc�. The state of WA (Western Australia) is enormous � it is much larger than Texas and Alaska combined. The whole extravaganza collapsed with the 1987 Wall Street crash, and Australians watched as one tycoon after another was implicated in corrupt dealings, charged and jailed.
Perth [see map of Perth] offers her citizens with most of the ingredients of the good life; a Californian-style climate yet unspoiled by smog (try LA, mate); attractive homes in every price category, every kind of outdoor playground to superb beaches to lavish parklands that bring the bush almost into the city centre. Well, let us take you through a quick
[Virtual Tour of Perth].
Learn more. Checkout this video from Panorama Australia !
Perth - Australia's Golden City
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