G�ddy mate! Would you like to catch a glimpse as to how we Australians live? We do have some �peculiarities�, but it�s all pretty normal and fair-dinkum Aussie to us. For instance, did you know that when an Aussie exclaims and heartily chuckles out to you � You bastard!�, it is not an insult but actually a sign of acceptance that he/she feels comfortable enough with you to call you that? In other countries, this may have resulted in a fist fight. But in Australia, this may result in a beer at the nearest pub! To know and really understand us Aussies, come take a little fun journey of our day-to-day lives in the �How to live like an Australian� tour! Good on ya, mate!

[Start How to live like an Australian tour]

Have Vegemite sandwich for breakfast, mate
Have Vegemite sandwich for breakfast, mate

Aussie mateship - go get ya best friend !
Aussie mateship - go get ya best friend !

Let's go watch the Footy game
Let's go watch the Footy game

Grab some tucker from  the Fish'n'Chips shop
Grab some tucker from the Fish'n'Chips shop

Gotta have VB or Fosters in the pub, mate
Gotta have VB or Fosters in the pub, mate

Take "pee break" at outdoor Aussie dunnys
Take "pee break" at outdoor Aussie dunnys

Real tough life on the beach, mate
Real tough life on the beach, mate

Howzat ! Cricket fever in summer !
Howzat ! Cricket fever in summer !

Oi ! Try some true-blue Aussie "yabbie-on-the-barbie"
Oi ! Try some true-blue Aussie "yabbie-on-the-barbie"

Enjoy a White-hot Christmas in December !
Enjoy a White-hot Christmas in December !

Go snow skiing in July
Go snow skiing in July

Savor "traditional" Aussie Sunday Chinese Yum Cha
Savor "traditional" Aussie Sunday Chinese Yum Cha

Bargain hunt at the Sunday bushmarket !
Bargain hunt at the Sunday bushmarket !

Gamble on horsie at the Melbourne Cup race
Gamble on horsie at the Melbourne Cup race

Dare the sea in the Sydney-Hobart Boat Race
Dare the sea in the Sydney-Hobart Boat Race

Go sheep shearing to pay the bills, mate
Go sheep shearing to pay the bills, mate


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