padSavor "traditional" Aussie Sunday Chinese Yum Cha

What do Australians do on Sundays, you may ask mate? Well traditionally in the old days, they would be like the British : go to Church in Sunday best, and then sit down with family and have a traditional Sunday roast for lunch. These days, they still go to Church (some), but it is rarely the Sunday roast with the family after that. The urban Aussies in the big cities would be more likely to be found with the whole family having �Sunday Yum Cha� brunch at the big Chinese Restaurants. �Yum Cha� (meaning to have tea in Chinese) is to savor and eat the many assortments of bite sized steamed �Dim Sum� dishes from the Chinese Restaurants. It�s a bit like Spanish tappas with many, many different dishes at snack sized. Australian Chinese restaurants serve some of the best �dim sums� in the world, Hong Kong included. So, expect Australians to be experts in using chopsticks, mate.

[NEXT: Bargain hunt at Sunday bushmarkets!]


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