There are 3 things that define Melbourne, mate � the Yarra River, the electric trams and Aussie Rules football (�footy�). So here�s on the Yarra River. [see panorama of the Yarra River]
Melbourne nestles comfortably on the banks of the Yarra River, which in all honesty � is an unimpressive sight, and the butt of many a cruel joke since it is so muddy. It has been called the only river in the world that flows upside-down, with the mud on top! It has also been the scene where the winners of the Australian Tennis Open have in the past dipped themselves after winning (e.g Jim Courier, Agassi etc). However, the Yarra River is spanned with pretty ornate bridges, and one can really enjoy the city�s pretty skyline by cruising up and down the Yarra.