�There�s no business like show business. I�m the tenor of the bird-singing industry!� We of the Lyre Birds variety may be very shy and elusive bird in our natural habitats, but boy do we sing sweetly like in the cabaret or like the Phantom of the Opera. We are at our melodious singing best during the winter months. Our macho male Lyre Birds builds several �display� mounds. Spreading his long tail in a fan, he throws it forward over his head, concealing his body beneath the beautiful filaments. This tour-de-force dancing performance is a breathtaking spectacle as our superbly talented male Lyre Bird prances around, his tail shimmering in the shadows of the dense forest. He dances back and forth singing HIS OWN SONG and mimicking calls of other birds. Lyre Birds are the best mimic in the bird kingdom � better than even parrots and cockatoos. By the way all this elaborate display is to attract the female Lyre Bird. Say no more! What did you expect, mate?