Australia - The Penal Colony

New South Wales and its satellite penal settlements at Moreton Bay (now Brisbane), Norfolk Island and Van Diemen�s Land (now Tasmania) entered the 19th century with a reputation as �hell on earth� � a reputation which the British hoped would function as a deterrent. Irish rebels and petty thieves caught for just stealing loaves of bread were sent to Australia, when death at the end of a noose would often have been more merciful. It is now in a way humorous to think that in attempting to escape, some convicts actually became the first �explorers� into Australia�s uncharted interior. Transportation of convicts to Australia ceased by 1868. By then some 160,000 convicts had arrived.

The best preserved convict ruins of Australia lie in Port Arthur, Tasmania. It is now a very popular tourist "must see" destination. Years ago, it would have been a "must escape" destination. How times have changed, mate! [see Port Arthur penal colony ruins]

[NEXT: heroic explorations of Australia's vast interior, 6 of 12]

Port Arthur
Port Arthur

Ross Bridge
Ross Bridge

Richmond Bridge - oldest bridge in Australia
Richmond Bridge - oldest bridge in Australia


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