50,000 years of Living Culture

Us Aborigines would probably not get IS9002 accreditation in documentation, as we had never put anything down in writing. Simple reason was that we never invented writing for our language(s). The kids would never had complained about written homework to do from school. Perhaps it�s because we just love the visual arts. We love to draw and to paint, plus to [Song and Dance]. These are the way how we preserve and pass on our knowledge for thousands of years, mate !

Well, just because we did not write things down, does not mean that we get to easily forget things for the last 50,000 years ago, and for the next 50,000. Our ancient [Rock Art Painting], along with oration of legends by tribal leaders passed though generation(ssss) plus the songs and dances are ALL responsible in keeping ancient knowledge and traditions ALIVE.

[NEXT: The Didgeridoo]

Song and dances
Song and dances


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