Boxing Kangaroos

The Kangaroo is one of the most recognized Aussie icons. It is one of the largest marsupials and is native ONLY to Australia. It can grow to an overall length of 94 � 95 inches (240 cm) and weigh over 130 lbs (66 kg). An adult male can cover more than 29 feet (9 m) in a single jump. It can approach a top speed of between 37 � 44 miles per hour (60 � 70 km/h). A collusion with a kangaroo will inflict a lot of damage not only to the marsupial but to the vehicle you are travelling in ! Hence trucks, buses, utes (pick ups) and some private cars have a front mounted bull bar (�roo bar) to protect the vehicle.

To establish dominance over other males, male kangaroos box with each other to gain favourable mating rights with their female partners. Come on over, Mike Tyson...

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