Hello, and goodbye Possum !

�We�re kings of the tree-tops�. Some of us Possums can even glide from tree to tree, thanks to our flight membrane. We�re also another marsupial, like the Kangaroos. The smallest of us frisk about like tree shrews and persist in insect-eating habit. Our larger blokes eat a mixed diet of leaves, fruits and insects. If you noticed, some of us Possums have huge eyes � which also mean that we are nocturnal i.e. we only hunt and come out as a creatures of the night, just like the Phantom of the Opera. We would need really big sunshades to see and operate in the daytime with our big eyes, mate. The world famous Dame Edna Average character (played by Barry Humphries) have made us really proud, by using that famed expression � �Hello, Possums!� as a spontaneous welcoming greeting.

[NEXT : see the Fairy Penguins marching pass, 15 of 15]

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