and discover Australia�s unique wildlife.P

The Sanctuary�s veterinary, research and educational programs place Healesville Sanctuary at the forefront of native Australian fauna and flora conservation. Visitors from all over the world are welcome to share this wonderful environment and enjoy nature�s diverse and unending entertainment.

Healesville Sanctuary opened in 1934. It is located next to the town of Healesville, 65 km from Melbourne. Badger Creek and 300,000 annual visitors �flow� through the Santuary. The Sanctuary first became prominent when �Splash the Platypus� was the first of its kind to be successfully kept and looked after by the Sanctuary in 1934-37. �Splash� was originally found near Healesville, and lived for a record 4 years at the Santuary, and made headlines all over the world in the 1930s. Splash�s amusing performances in the presence of visitors were a source of amazement.

It is significant that after successfully displaying platypus for over 50 years, and having a wild population in Badger Creek itself, the Sanctuary features the platypus as its logo.

For further information: Healesville Sanctuary, Badger Creek Road, Healesville 3777 Australia. (ph) 03-59572800. Website: Email: [email protected]

Map of Healesville Sanctuary
Map of Healesville Sanctuary


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