"Hello, I am Alfred-the-fat-assed Wombat." Well, I am not alone as 99 percent of Wombats are fat, anyway! Us Wombats are the largest burrowing (meaning we dig and we go underground into our tunnels of burrows) marsupial in Australia, and we grow to weigh up to a fat 40 kg (90 lbs).
We are the closest living relative to the Koalas. We both have a powerful build, broad paws and strong claws. However, us Wombats are afraid of heights, and please do not expect us to be climbing up and down trees like those flighty Koalas. We are more �down-to-earth� folks. Hence, we also live longer � sometimes up to 20 years, man ! Nevertheless, if you see those Aussie country roadsigns warning motorists to avoid us, it means that some of us have this roving habit in search of food (grasses and roots) at night. Well, we love to be stroked, but not by a car, mate!