Go kiss a Platypus

�Yuck � that�s despicable�.!� How can I, a handsome, swashbuckling Platypus from the creek, kiss a golden-haired Aussie maiden that looks nothing like - a Platypus ? A guy has to have strength of character and principals. We Platypus are also mammals (like humans), but don�t use that as an excuse to kiss us, mate. However, the other mammals don�t know how unique (or weird?) we are. We also lay soft-shelled eggs like a reptile, but feed our young on milk like a human/mammal. The only other �bozo� who does that is the spiky Echidna. Us Platypus are still pretty common in the lakes of Eastern Australia (though you won�t find us anywhere else in the world), yet few human see us because we spend our day curled up in waterside burrows (our waterfront premises, mate). We wake up early at dusk to hunt aquatic insects and yabbies underwater. To help us, we have special electroreceptors in our soft skin covering our rubbery bill (ducks, eat your hearts out) which detect the tiny electrical currents generated by our living preys. Watch out for us in the next �Predator� movie�By the way, us Platypus were the original Aussie �Torpedo� (look at our shape), and not Ian Thorpe the swimmer, o.k ? [NEXT: make way for the noisy Tasmanial Devil, 6 of 15]

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