It�s funny that Koala hugs on trees, and we humans love to hug a Koala in return. [see panorama of koala hugging on a tree] Well, how can one resist these cuties, anyway? The Koala �bear� has won a place in the hearts of people all over the world. But do be careful when cuddling a Koala as they have sharp claws. How do you expect them to hang onto a tree, mate? By the way, the Koala is not actually a bear at all!
It is a marsupial which carries its young in a pouch, like a Kangaroo! It lives almost exclusively on young leaves of eucalyptus leave, and typically sleep for 19 hours a day, and spend the rest nibbling on leaves. Hence, the Koala lives a very relaxed, stress-free life. What a �tough� life. I want a job to be a Koala, mate! Stay on and let us introduce you to the rest of the gang!