Eucalyptus  Dreaming - music and aromatherapy!

This is a corroboree of ancient instruments CD gift set which includes a tub of authentic Eucalyptus Body Rub as well a collection of native Australian botanicals which includes a fragrance vial. Listen to the haunting sounds of the didgeridoo together with other indigenous instruments of clubs, sticks, hollow logs, seed rattles and boomerangs. No other sound captures the essence of Australia better than the spine tingling low pitched drone of the didgeridoo.

The eucalyptus body rub contains eucalyptus oil blended with jasmine, cedarwood and clove essential oils. This combination of Aussie music, eucalyptus balm and pot pourri recreates a taste of the unique bush environment of Australia

Eucalyptus Dreaming - music and aromatherapy CB4US$49.95


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