Aussie Crocodiles

Crocodiles - definately an Aussie with tough hide...

Crocodiles are usually found in northern Australia. Adult crocodiles grow up to 20 to 23 feet (6 to 7 m) in length and some live up to 100 years old. They are non-discriminate eaters and have known to take people who camp by the river or fall into the water with them. Their prey include fish, birds, reptiles, mammals, cattle and the occasional person!

The rollover occurs after the crocodile has caught its prey and dragged it underwater. Crocodiles do not feed on live prey, hence the rollover kills the prey which is then stored under logs and eaten at leisure.

Female crocodiles can lay up to 20 eggs in nests dug in sand which is then covered up. Baby crocodiles are hatched after an incubation period. During the 1970s, crocodiles were hunted to near extinction but legislation since has helped their numbers to return.


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