Bush Tucker - fancy crocodile or kangaroo burgers?

Call it �Bush Tucker� or call it �Australian Native Cuisine� by the marketing blokes, Australia serves some of the most exotic food found no where else on earth, as some of those "critters" are simply found no where else, mate. Fancy a sumptuous kangaroo or crocodile burger, mate ? Wunderbar. Kangaroo meat has become extremely popular, partly because of its low fat content: the flesh has as low as 1 percent fat, compared to 25 percent in marbled red meat. That's because kangaroos jump around so much, mate.

If you go more �slightly� more up market, say in one of Sydney�s finest restaurants, you may come across a dish called �Anabaroo, Mango and Burrawong Soup�. It�s a blend of three food from the Northern Territory: water buffalo, roasted in an elastic net to keep the high water-content meat intact; the tropical mango; and the burrawong, a native nut that was first mentioned in the journals of the 19th century Outback explorer Ludwig Leichardt. Next on the menu might be reef fish served in a tart sauce of green billyoat plum � an Aussie fruit found by researchers to have 5,000 times the vitamin C content of an orange per gram! Well, the Aborigines have been using the same ingredients for the last 50,000 years, but just did not apply for any patent protection, wrote any cookbook or have export licence for all these good food stuff, mate. So, now the world will finally know of these treasures, mate.

Watch out, MacDonalds...here comes MacRoo burgers...cool!

Recipe for Wallaby Pie with Sheep Yoghurt


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