The Nomadic Way of Life, and the also original “Greenie"

We are Nomads

Us aborigines were the original �footloose� people with a nomadic way of life. No, there wasn�t any deskbound job 50,000 years ago, to tie us down, mate ! Us Aborigines lived in clans of 10 or 50 or more people. Life was centred upon hunting and gathering of food all over the place ! For the men, it was hunting and fishing. For the ladies, it was gathering. A good Aboriginal hunter knew intimately (sorry, there are no manuals or �Hunting for Dummies� books) the habits of the creatures he stalked, was an expert tracker and understood the seasons and the winds. [see panorama of a spectacular sunrise in Aboriginal outback Australia]

We were the first "Greenies"Us Aborigines are never greedy people with mother earth. We also predate the �Greenie� movement by approximately 50,000 years also. We only took from the land what is needed to feed ourselves and our people. This kept the balance with nature�s supply. Conservation was the Aborigine�s way of denying starvation. In a country that would kill many early white settlers, us Aborigines were perfectly comfortable at home, even without television. 50,000 years of living experience as part of the land really do mean something, mate !

[NEXT: the Boomerang]

Learn more. Checkout this video from Panorama Australia !

Title: Land Of Nature's Dreaming - Top End of the Northern Territory

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Fire starting without matches
Fire starting without matches


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