50,000 years of Aboriginal Rock Art

Us Aborigines would probably not get IS9002 accreditation in documentation, as we had never put anything down in writing. Simple reason was that we never invented writing for our language(s), but we loved to DRAW to preserve our thoughts and culture. Our 50,000 year old rock art painting, along with oration of legends by tribal leaders passed though generation(ssss), are responsible in keeping knowledge and traditions alive

Some really sacred Rock Art are not for viewing Some rock paintings are of the really special spiritual significance, bearing the strongest psychological and ritual values. Some rock paintings are really,really sacred, and unfortunately not open to tourist eyes�and even to most aborigines except for certain �initiated� elders who have proven their worth as custodians. Sorry mate, there are certain art galleries that are not for entrance and sale at any price�

Aboriginal rock art is recognised as the world's oldest and longest continuous living tradition. The ancient art is found all across Australia in the form of paintings or engravings on rock.

[read on or NEXT: current Aboriginal indigenous Art]

How old is Aboriginal Rock Art? Archaelogists continue to argue over their age, but some of the earliest paintings, in red ochre in northern sandstone shelters, have been dated at 50,000 years. In 1996 in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, an engraving site was dated at 110,000 years old, sending archaelogists back to the drawing board and rewriting the history of modern human movement.

"X-Ray" Paintings Arnhem Land and Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory provide the finest Aboriginal rock art experiences. At Ubirr shelter in Kakadu, many of the paintings were made well before the Ice Age, 8000 years ago. A layer of animal depictions (some species which are now extinct!), lie beneath red dynamic figures racing across the shelter. Over them are splashed with "X-ray" paintings of barramundi fish, their internal organs accurately detailed. Over them are sailing vessels, documenting the European arrivals in Australia ! Each art layer reads like a page in the history opf the continent...

[see rotating panorama of Aboriginal rock art at Uluru]

[NEXT: current Aboriginal indigenous Art]

Learn more. Checkout this video from Panorama Australia !

Title: Land Of Nature's Dreaming - Top End of the Northern Territory

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